Sunday, 16 August 2009

Summer Rabbits

The rabbits are now over one year old and in June they had a special tea witch they enjoyed they had dry rabbit food,carrot skins and cabbage in a plastic container and they actually throw them about with their teeth.

Recently,dad has built Roxy a new run for her hutch but the problem is she always escapes because she chews on the wood and pushes the chicken wire. Last week, Kiki spent a week in Roxy's hutch and at 6 o'clock in the morning she escaped and dad had to chase her! So now Roxy has a new lid to her run-that's harder to lift!!! the good news is Roxy has stopped escaping!

Today we let them out and kiki kept going on Roxy's back,I stopped kiki form being naughty. The rabbit where playing tag and digging everywhere.

Anyway, the rabbits are fine . And didn't I tell you that on last Halloween they escaped! Well if have any questions please put them in the “comments” section.


  1. Hi Madison! Nice to see an update on the rabbits! See you soon fishing with Dad! Elliott
